To donate at any time, please make your cheque out to UWCNY Scholarship Fund and send to the address below. Receipts will be issued for donations of $20 or more.

UWCNY Scholarship Fund
#803 10 Kenneth Ave
Toronto, On, M2N 6K6

Have you considered including a donation in your will to the UWCNY Scholarship Fund? Leaving a bequest to the Scholarship Fund is an investment in the future of the women in our community.

Planned giving is a way to give to the Scholarship Fund and to provide a tax credit for you or your estate. Gifts can be given during your lifetime or through your estate. Cash gifts are welcome as are gifts of securities and life insurance.

We recognize different people have different priorities and family commitments.  Please consult your lawyer and financial advisor about the drafting of your will. Suggested wording for a clause in your will might be: “I donate the sum of $_______  to the University Women’s Club of North York Scholarship Fund.” Memorial donations may be requested from friends and family.

To obtain a current mailing address for the funds, the club can always be contacted through a member or via the Scholarship Fund treasurer: